Podcast Feature: Balancing Professionalism and Authenticity in Our Careers
I was recently featured as a guest on the Authentically You podcast, where I shared about the role of authenticity in career-decision making, professional branding, and the job search process. Check out this post to listen to the episode!
Am I burnt out?: Burnout Definition, Warning Signs, Risk Factors, & Tools for Recovery
Are you burnt out? You’re not alone. 77% of US full-time professionals have experienced burnout at their current job at least once, and over 50% of employees report experiencing negative impacts of work-related stress within the last month. While burnout is often a result of larger systemic and cultural issues, it is possible to empower yourself to recognize the warning signs of burnout, cope with its symptoms, and heal from its impacts.
5 Tips to Supercharge Your Job Search ⚡
Preparing for a job search? Learn the specific, career counselor recommended tactics that can help you navigate the job market with ease and focus your effort on the activities that matter most.